Learning to Change Online Community

A message from Ta Walls, Owner and Founder of Change Wellness Programme

Beginning Saturday, 1 February

Learning to Change is a guided, step-by-step programme that gives you the tools to change your life. We’ll be upfront, this isn’t a magic wand. It requires work from you and sometimes that work is hard, but once you know, you can’t not know & you’ll believe you can do it. And that’s the first step, belief in yourself. Yeah, that doesn’t feel familiar right now does it? But you’ll learn to believe that you are capable of anything, once you get out of your own way. 

How does this work? Well firstly, it’s about giving you the information and the tools. Here’s what yo expect:

  • 5 weekly voice notes - this is where we lay out how daily ‘obstacles’ can have a detrimental impact on your day…if you let it! And how by using our tools you can negate that.

  • 5 weekly worksheets - these are for you, to do the work! To work toward creating the evidence that change is possible for YOU!

  • Challenges - throughout the week we’ll set various challenges, this doesn’t involve having to leave the comfort of your sofa, but it will take you out of your comfort zone. Have you ever heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again & expecting a different result? Let’s try something different! That’s what our challenges are designed to do.

  • Monthly meet-ups - this can be anything from a coffee morning, online call, breath work sessions, yoga, walking etc. You will have input into deciding what this is!

  • Support & Community - you’ll get to know other incredible women, just like you, who are at different stages of their journey to change. Their knowledge, their advice, life experiences & support are priceless. They are the heart of the Learning to Change programme and soon you will be too.

Choose more of the same or take this one small step, sign up today to make February 1st the first day of the rest of your life.

Change doesn’t happen for you, it only happens by you.

Priced at £20 per month.